Oracle Database Downloads. The version of Oracle Database you are looking for is no longer available on OTN. Please visit any of the following links for current release information: - Oracle Database Overview - Oracle Database Software. 1) Make a new Database Driver. I downloaded the JDBC for Oracle Database 12c, JDK 7, from Oracle, here. I stuck the.jar file in my Documents folder (in case that's wrong). Within Eclipse I made a new Database Driver, based off one of the other Oracle Driver templates, and changed the settings.
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Oracle Db For Mac Os
Database Instant Client Release Notes
19c for Apple Mac OS X (Intel)
September 2019
This document contains important information that was not included in the platform-specific or product-specific documentation for this release.
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This document supplements Oracle Database Release Notes.
This document may be updated after it is released. You can check for updates to this document and view other Oracle Database documentation at
This document contains the following topics:
Certification Information
The latest certification information for Oracle Database 19c is available on My Oracle Support at
Unsupported Products
The following features or products are not supported on Apple Mac OS X:
Other Known Issues
The following section contains information about the issue related to Oracle Database Instant Client 19c:
Pro*C Does Not Support C99 Headers
The Pro*C parser fails to recognize C99 syntax in system headers on the supported Apple Mac OS X releases.
This issue has no workaround.
This issue is tracked with Oracle bug 16061064.
Documentation Accessibility
For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program website at
Access to Oracle Support
Well, the answer is obvious, right? Best cheese for mac and cheese.
Oracle customers that have purchased support have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. For information, visit or visit if you are hearing impaired.
Oracle Database Database Instant Client Release Notes, 19c for Apple Mac OS X (Intel)
Copyright © 2015, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Primary Author: Sunil Surabhi
Contributing Author: Bharathi Jayathirtha
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Oracle Database 10g and Oracle JDeveloper 10g Are Now Shipping
With the certification of Oracle Database 10g on Mac OS X Server and Oracle JDeveloper 10g on Mac OS X, Oracle and Apple deliver a flexible, affordable and easy-to-manage enterprise database platform that is ideal for developing and deploying grid computing solutions.
The only true malware in the wild that can affect your Mac is a handful of trojans, which can be easily avoided by being careful about what apps you install (no pirated software). Macs are not immune to malware and no system is 100% secure, but no true viruses exist in the wild that can run on macOS, and there never have been any since it was released over 17 years ago.
Here are major reasons to develop and deploy Oracle Database 10g on Mac OS X Server.
Macs are for serious computing and storage.
Apple provides a wide range of products that enable IT organisations to develop and deploy enterprise caliber solutions. Based on the 64-bit PowerPC G5 processor, Apple’s Xserve G5 is a powerful 1U server, ideal for scale-out grid computing applications. As highlighted in Oracle’s Resilient Low-Cost Storage Initiative, Apple’s Xserve RAID provides massive storage capacity in a rack-optimized enclosure.
The PowerBook G4 is the perfect notebook for system administration as well as for application development, while the Power Mac G5 delivers 64-bit processing power with the flexibility of using the widescreen 30-inch Apple Cinema Display.
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Macs provide a powerful, UNIX-based platform that is open at the source.
Mac OS X combines the latest open source technologies with Apple’s industry-leading manageability and ease of use. The power and simplicity of Mac OS X are a reflection of Apple’s operating system strategy, one that favors open industry standards over proprietary technologies.
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It begins with a UNIX-based foundation, with the Mach microkernel and the latest advances from BSD. This core operating system, known as Darwin, provides a stable, high-performance platform for developing groundbreaking applications and system technologies. As Mac OS X continues to redefine the desktop computer operating system, Mac OS X Server delivers industry-leading services to mixed-platform environments.
Mac OS X is the ideal IT development platform.
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Whatever development environment you prefer — Java, X11, Tcl/Tk, Perl or other scripting languages — with Mac OS X you can have your favorite cross-platform development tools and your preferred productivity applications running on the same UNIX-based machine. All of the software that runs on your laptop, runs on your server.
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Mac OS X is a superior development platform that includes a robust set of developer tools allowing you to develop and test cross-platform applications. With the depth and maturity of the UNIX-based foundation of Mac OS X and the large number of tools that are shared across many other platforms like Linux and Solaris (and even Windows), you have a rich toolbox for creating cross-platform applications.
As the only mass-market desktop computer to bundle Java 2, Mac OS X’s highly-optimized and fully-standard Java implementation makes Mac OS X the ideal platform for developing and deploying Java applications. All of the popular IDEs run on Mac OS X, including JDeveloper. For server development, Mac OS X Server now includes the popular JBoss application server, as well as Apache Tomcat, making development and deployment of J2EE applications easier than ever.
With its open source core based on BSD, built-in support for the X11 Windowing System, IPv6, Kerberos integration, Mac OS X is perfect for UNIX development. All of the tools and utilities you need are included in Mac OS X: editors, file management tools, shell scripts and scripting languages.
Mac OS X works in your existing Windows or Unix networks.
Mac OS X includes the major networking protocols for accessing every major server platform, including Windows, Linux and UNIX. You can browse Windows networks right from the Finder, as well as easily communicate with UNIX NFS file servers and interoperate with LDAP directory services.
One number to call.
Apple delivers a complete solution — from the operating system to the hardware to support. If you have questions, you only need to call one company.
Over 12,000 applications are available for Mac OS X and the number continues to grow.
Mac OS X is the only UNIX-based environment that natively runs Microsoft Office, Oracle 11i, Lotus Notes, PeopleSoft, Novell GroupWise and thousands of other enterprise and consumer applications, all side by side with traditional command-line, X11, web and Java applications. And the number of applications for Mac OS X keeps on growing.
Apple hardware and software offer tremendous value.
Here are just a few examples: Xserve G5 includes an unlimited client license of Mac OS X Server — you can serve thousands of users without spending additional thousands in licensing fees. Xserve RAID, with a cost of just over $2 per gigabyte, offers a breakthrough price/performance standard for storage deployments in Windows, Linux and Mac operating environments.
Xsan delivers an advanced storage area networking (SAN) solution at a fraction of the price of competing systems. And the Power Mac G5 offers dual 64-bit G5 processing power and phenomenal expandability at an extremely competitive price. In simpler terms, you can use LineIn to play sound coming in through a microphone or any other device plugged in to your Sound In port, just as was once available with OS 9's 'Play input through output device' option.' LineIn is a simple application for OS X to enable the soft playthru of audio from input devices.